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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Cure Tattoos > JuliaJustice.JPG
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I noticed you put up someone's Cure tattoo up the other week- I actually got one done myself last week! A lyric out of 'Just Like Heaven' in the 'Kissmekissmekissme' font.
My band The Firm are big fans of The Cure and we recently played at a Cure night at a clubnight called Feeling Gloomy... check us out! :)
(Thanks Julia)

Sony Ericsson C905
1/125s f/2.8 at 5.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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jenna 30-Apr-2011 20:40
ET 23-Apr-2009 22:25
That's lovely calligraphy. Love the lyrics too! 8D