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On the Dark Side

October 2, 2004Last LightDay 149 September 7, 2004Rumors of the FallDay 124 ConeflowerDSC04289.JPG August 4, 2004DSC07640.JPG
DSC00906_closer2.jpg DSC06257 stages of life.JPG DSC04043.JPG DSC00100.JPG
DSC03579.JPG October 20, 2004Show Biz DeadheadDay 167 October 1, 2004PeaceDay 148 DSC00404.JPG
DSC00406.JPG DSC05286.JPG DSC05314.jpg October 21, 2004
October 22, 2004Corona October 23, 2004Wrinkles in TimeDay 170 October 23, 2004 robin in autumn DSC05483.JPG
DSC07209.JPG DSC07164.JPG DSC07246.JPG November 25, 2004Things I'm Thankful ForDay 203
DSC06166.JPG DSC07589.JPG DSC07412.JPG DSC07518.JPG
DSC08030.JPG DSC09379.JPG February 12, 2005Hope and RebirthDay 282 DSC03144.JPG
DSC03145.JPG February 20, 2005Awaiting FateDay 290 DSC04138.JPG Silver and GoldDSC04174.JPG
DSC04187.JPG DSC04133.JPG March 18, 2005DarknessDay 316 DSC01282.JPG
DSC04524.JPG DSC04619.JPG DSC04630.JPG DSC00105.JPG
DSC00101_2.JPG DSC00056.JPG DSC01224.JPG July 9, 2005I hold the key...
September 29, 2005Absolute Gray March 7, 2006Blue Light Special March 15, 2006All Strung Out March 31, 2006Ring Dark
Day and Night DSC06741.JPG DSC05409.JPG July 29, 2006Delicate Predator