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Ivan Kruys | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> LESVOS and ITS WILDLIFE tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


As it is so close to the Turkish Mainland, the flora and fauna of Lesbos is largely Anatolian. Though some images were taken using a Nikon Coolpix together with a Zeiss 80 telescope (digiscoping), most were taken with a Canon 2S IS compact camera.
In May 2010 I took more photos using a Canon 50D plus a 420 mm lens. Some were also taken using a Canon G9.
Birds of Lesvos
:: Birds of Lesvos ::
Lesvos Flora and Fauna
:: Lesvos Flora and Fauna ::
Petra.jpg Molivos 2.jpg Molivos 3.jpg
Molivos harbour.jpg Molivos, use of part of an old ruin!.jpg Molivos, many small alleys are roofed by wisteria.jpg
Molivos castle.jpg Molivos castle.jpg Molivos - Efthalou, the Panselinos hotel.jpg
Petra 2.jpg