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Gail 12-Dec-2008 13:33

I would like to use some of your Osprey pictures for my second grade public school class that I am teaching. We are doing an integrated segment on the osprey and I would like to use some of your images to illustrate life cycle. I would appreciate your conscent to use these images. I can provide more detail by email as needed.
Steve Rutledge 03-Jan-2008 02:33
Hello- I would like to request permission to show some of your photos to my not-for-profit birding classes. Please send an e-mail and I will be happy to provide details.
Thank you! Steve
stacymize 19-Jul-2007 06:26
Greg, I would really like to talk with you about a semi recent post you posted at DPReview regarding S3 color issues associated with the D-Range settings, as I have been struggling with my S3 on issues such as this. Is there any way you could e-mail me? I would super appreciate it!


Derrel16-Feb-2007 22:52
Your 500 Af-i and 300 would shoot pretty well on an EOS 20D-30D-5D-1D series Canons.The balance of the 300mm/4,300mm/2.8,and /400mm/3.5 is pretty good on the 20D with grip added. No AF, but the $19 F-to-EF adapters sold from eBay are solid and work well at converting F-mt lenses to the EOS body's flange. You get Aperture Priority auto,plus manual match-diode light metering,plus the ability to mount TC's with the adapter mounted. As long as the f/stop if f4.5 or wider,you can see pretty well thru the camera,since the lens stops down to whatever aperture the aperture ring on the lens is set summertime, f/5.6 is marginally usable. I thought you had a 600/4 AiS, which would also work well on a 20D or 30D as a high-ISO body. The 400/3.5 Nikkor is a good choice for one of these adapter need to buy a $179 ring--the $19 ones are quite strong!
Wendy23-Aug-2006 02:23
Wonderful galleries.......esp pics of the native animals
artstudent 20-Jun-2006 05:37
I am an art student. I need a good camera to pick up skin tones and color. My teacher says work from life, but I can't afford the modle fees for all the ideas I have. So I will hire modles for a couple of hours. I was looking at an F100 film camera or S3 or maybe the film now becaues they are almost gone and in a year the S3. Will you share any wisdom on the subject. I would be most grateful!!!
Guest 01-Jun-2006 20:32
You have some great photo's. Would you explain to me how to take great photo's of the moon? I have a new Nikon D70s.