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Colin Byers | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > The coolest Street Guy in Manhatten
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13-NOV-2005 Colin Byers

The coolest Street Guy in Manhatten

Manhatten, New York

Many street people are around Manhatten, but while so many have depressing (and no doubt true) stories of woe, this guy had an altogether more upbeat way of attacting attention. I was happy to pay him to sit for this photo!

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Guest 20-Nov-2006 15:32
Funny stuff! Love it!
Guest 20-Jun-2006 17:06
I like this picture a lot. I can't stop loughing...hahahaha...,this man find very good idea for collect some change, very good idea. Maybe one day I should try something like that- just for joke- will be very funny and maybe i can get some quick cash....hahahahaha, very funny. I'm totally agree with you -(I never was in manhattan) but I think he is the coolest guy there.
Guest 05-Feb-2006 06:21
Great! I saw one that said, "Need money for beer, pot and least I am not lying to you!"
Barri Olson31-Jan-2006 07:20
Guest 19-Nov-2005 23:30