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Colin Byers | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > Pink Sky at Night ....
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16-JUN-2005 Colin Byers

Pink Sky at Night ....

Sunset in the Loire Valley, France. The beauty of this peaceful area of rural western France was summed up for me with this image.

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Guest 30-Nov-2008 23:37
Could do with actually loading up
Guest 02-Jun-2008 14:19
Another excellent photo! V
nomada02-Jul-2007 21:24
WOOOW!!!Priceless capture! VOTED!!
Ken Zaret07-Sep-2006 02:54
great shot
Guest 16-Jun-2006 17:25
Yes, this one is great!
Richard Calmes15-Dec-2005 14:44
Nice Composition!
Peter Hollinger28-Jun-2005 13:51
Beautiful -- a very soothing image.