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Nancy 03-Aug-2018 21:27
I came across your photos reading about Africa safaris. They are beautiful and truly amazing except for the ones of the villagers killing animals. Amazing photos...……………….
Paul Dudley08-May-2015 01:44
I have looked through all your Botswana bird pictures. Very impressive, but I still can't identify a bird I photographed there. Perhaps you could look at and comment.
Guest 08-Feb-2015 14:07
Wow!!! The photos you were taking are wonderful and full of peace. Thats what I was feeling when I saw the photos of japan.Will be there coming april... Such a beautiful world we are living....

jojo1306-Jan-2013 10:50
Love your photos!
Rosemary 17-Jun-2011 03:21
Just looking at your Hoh Rain Forest photos...planning a trip there....your photos are incredibly fabulous and I truly loved everyone of them...esp those of the!
Deed Klett 14-Sep-2010 00:27
What an extensive and informative update. You certainly have a very exciting and interesting life. Your residence looks very adequate and like a great place to live.

I'll check in with you again soon. I love to share your adventures.

Thanks for taking all the time to share your life with us.

Jeroen Bosman27-Jan-2010 11:01
Hi, you've been to some beautiful places and have lots of gems among your images! On the other hand I must say that I am a bit overwhelemed by the sheer volume ;-) Will be back when I have the time. Best, Jeroen