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Some of the sights at Raleigh's Annual arts festival in Moore Square in downtown Raleigh, NC.
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Ed More of Sandy Feat creating  a sand sculpture in Moore Square with several other artists
Ed More of Sandy Feat creating a sand sculpture in Moore Square with several other artists
g1/78/720878/3/97208694.hStxrt22.jpg Little budding sand artists!
Little budding sand artists!
Moncure Chessworks provided the oversized Chess Set
Moncure Chessworks provided the oversized Chess Set
g1/78/720878/3/97208617.dvDCiDe3.jpg Raleigh's own New Year's Acorn
Raleigh's own New Year's Acorn
g1/78/720878/3/97208623.jHciTpOw.jpg Blowfish Kiss?
Blowfish Kiss?
g1/78/720878/3/97208630.zZJArKI0.jpg swimming along.........
swimming along.........
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