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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > Sweet home Chiaiolella
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Sweet home Chiaiolella

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monil29-Apr-2008 00:34
Excellent composition and lighting.
Guest 28-Apr-2008 19:43
bella casa e bella luce. compo molto ben bilanciata.-v-
Xavi Barneda28-Apr-2008 18:44
Superb lighting V!
laine8228-Apr-2008 11:24
Very inviting...looks so welcoming.
Mairéad28-Apr-2008 08:25
Che bella casa! Love the lighing.
Robyco28-Apr-2008 06:32
Looks like a real home with the warm lights...
Claude Martin28-Apr-2008 05:46
Une belle construction bien mise en valeur dans ce contraste chaud et froid...V
Cindi Smith27-Apr-2008 23:35
Do you live here! Wow! This is gorgeous! Love the stucco, the light, composition! Wow! I'd love to live there!
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