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monica memoli | all galleries >> Planet Earth >> Europa > La bellezza è incanto
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La bellezza è incanto

FujiFilm FinePix S9100
1/640s f/6.4 at 6.2mm iso100 full exif

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Feb-2014 14:51
Great! Love the light!Vote
...allora ci sei! :)) dove eri finita? Ciao!
Bernard Bosmans20-Feb-2009 06:26
Wonderful capture with that lady in the background, showing the old and new. V.
Birte Person02-Apr-2008 11:04
Lovely image of a place where I have spent many happy hours.
uuuu17-Mar-2008 19:58
una buona composizione e bei colori, V.
Guest 16-Mar-2008 23:50
I was just there and remember seeing this advertisement. I was very intrigued by the fact that they obviously covered up a building in construction and actually took the time to still make it look pretty. You have a beautiful gallery.
Yiannis Pavlis15-Mar-2008 14:06
Excellent details, textures, colours and light. I love Rome too.Beautiful composition.V
Ali Majdfar15-Mar-2008 12:26
Fabulous capture, GMV
globalgadabout13-Mar-2008 16:01
great shot...the contemporary meets the classical..V
Robyco13-Mar-2008 12:21
Excellent composition with the lady in the background !!
Gervan13-Mar-2008 03:56
Very well found this bellezza advertisement in this beautiful place. V.
Guest 12-Mar-2008 09:47
la pubblicità sembra far parte dell'opera....
perfect pov
blizzard12-Mar-2008 01:44
well some day I'll get to Rome
a city of many faces of great HISTORY
you did a beautiful job of composeing this
big vote
Cindi Smith12-Mar-2008 00:24
Beautiful shot! I really like the addition of the advertisement but I'd like to see it as it once was, without it. But, it makes a great shot! Well done, Monica! V
marie-jose wolff11-Mar-2008 20:22
such a beautiful place! V
Francisco Figueras11-Mar-2008 17:04
wow! I love this shot!
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