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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > Walk in the winter sun
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Walk in the winter sun

FujiFilm FinePix S9100
1/1200s f/8.0 at 66.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ceya01-Apr-2011 13:54
My favourite, too! Lovely light and mood. V
Peterfree01-Oct-2008 09:57
Great ambiance. V.
Photo Club Pavillonnais02-Apr-2008 21:28
Superbe contre jour bien maitrisé ..
Steve Morris24-Mar-2008 16:27
Excellent!! Vote
Norbert Fortelny21-Feb-2008 19:03
marie-jose wolff07-Feb-2008 23:25
beautiful golden lighting!
t t07-Feb-2008 19:05
Nick Powell07-Feb-2008 18:45
Superb golden light, well captured. V
globalgadabout07-Feb-2008 16:49
lovely...a walker's paradise
Fong Lam07-Feb-2008 14:16
Excellent capture !!
Guest 07-Feb-2008 12:48
bel controluce -v-
Jean-Luc Rollier07-Feb-2008 12:35
Magnifique !JL V
Silvia Roitman07-Feb-2008 10:49
very nice!
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