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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstract...a kind of > Aftermoon
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Kodak DX7630
1/500s f/4.8 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pawel Kazmierczyk20-Oct-2015 17:07
well spotted and fantastically photographed. Bravo!
David McKibbin Prospects Imaging04-Jun-2015 19:45
This is my kind of image! Very good.
J. S. B.24-Sep-2014 17:47
Great composition.
Pawel Kazmierczyk20-May-2014 20:31
love the simple elegance of this photo...
Adalberto Tiburzi28-Feb-2014 22:34
Gervan13-Mar-2013 15:24
Beautiful abstract.v.
Sheila21-Apr-2012 23:18
Superb composition!
It's like a poster!
Photo.Keely08-Nov-2011 22:23
Nice image! V.
Francisco Figueras17-Feb-2011 19:29
I love this composition! greeat!
Abescat Charles06-Jun-2010 08:20
Well done too! Nice composition! Bravo
Guest 14-May-2010 09:08
Great geometry! nice shot
william mahan09-Jun-2009 00:20

Great eye for design...wonderful abstract!!
Dafna24-Apr-2009 10:59
I love this. The moon completes it. V
uri mahlev03-Feb-2009 14:34
A work of art!!
zyziza25-Oct-2008 10:45
amazing composition! V
Guest 18-Dec-2007 09:16
nice repitive shapes. The moon is another cherry..
Ceya15-Oct-2007 15:10
Wonderful! V
Rob Rosetti18-Jun-2007 16:01
Grandiosa! Minimalismo, astrazione, geometria. C'è di tutto!
Robyco01-Feb-2007 13:39
Wooow, i missed this one. GREAT !!! big vote.
Gervan03-Dec-2006 10:26
Beautiful composition and colors. voted.
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