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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > Meriggiare pallido e assorto
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Meriggiare pallido e assorto

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V Neil Knobbe06-Nov-2014 09:41
Great mood setting.
LynnH03-Nov-2014 23:23
And the poem was dark and haunting, but well chosen!
LynnH03-Nov-2014 23:21
Dramatic shadows and dark color make me feel a bit sad... as if I feel a loss. Excellent moody work! V
laine03-Nov-2014 18:09
Beautifully done...very much a work of art.
J. Scott Coile03-Nov-2014 16:52
Hauntingly good.
larose forest photos03-Nov-2014 01:21
Mysterious and beautiful image. V
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