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Chris Farley

He lived in a van..... DOWN BY THE RIVER.....

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Mike Cable28-Nov-2017 04:08
Another great and original actor/comedian gone way too soon. Great job and thanks for posting, Mike.
Buz Kiefer01-Apr-2016 18:17
You really nailed him. It's the eyes again for sure here. Vote.
Marcia Colelli19-Jan-2016 15:56
Great tribute to a great comedian. Wonderful work. V
Jeff Real18-Jan-2016 14:40
You seem to have captured his personality...amazing as always ~V~
Guest 17-Jan-2016 13:40
Wonderful painting and a great tribute, Larry! V
janescottcumming17-Jan-2016 13:37
Awww...miss him. You just made me smile with this great painting. Terrific job capturing his personality.
Raymond15-Jan-2016 21:02
That man had me laughing so much so often ... I sure miss his humour. Great rendition Larry
Jim's Atavistic Visions15-Jan-2016 19:09
Man oh man...
Jim Coffman15-Jan-2016 18:56
He was a great comedian!! Fine work, Larry!
Allan Jay15-Jan-2016 17:08
What a great tribute!
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