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29 JUL 06

It's an authentic hand made Indian plate from a reservation in Arizona
I was hanging it and dropped it
That's the crack you can see on the right

So now it will sit on a display stand instead
I am SUCH an idiot

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1s f/3.5 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Greg Harp01-Aug-2006 00:28
Nice capture.
Doug Kessler30-Jul-2006 16:19
Love Dave's comment : )
I think what you have achieved is to make all of US idiots feel a little better about themselves.
Beautiful with character and soul.
Karen Stuebing30-Jul-2006 09:33
Wonderful plate and it's a shame about dropping it but the crack is barely noticeable. You did a great job repairing it.
Dan Chusid30-Jul-2006 07:51
Salvaged memories.
A good thing methinks.
Robin Reid30-Jul-2006 06:04
That is a fascinating plate. Tough about the drop. It is still dramatic.
wernere0130-Jul-2006 05:40
Interesting work, nicely captured.
Coleen Perilloux Landry30-Jul-2006 02:35
It is a lovely plate with many meaningful symbols on it. Sorry about the drop.
Jen Bixler30-Jul-2006 02:22
OMG! I thought I was the biggest klutz! I agree with Dave.
royalld30-Jul-2006 02:19
In my neighborhood we'd say, "It now has some soul".
Where you live they may call it 'character'.
You know, kinda like the Liberty Bell.
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