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virginiacoastline | all galleries >> PaD Archives >> PICTURE A DAY 2006 > 19 JUN 06 MUGGING IT UP
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Another version of usable art from a previous show
(I ran out of time and ideas for PaD . . .can You tell? HA!)

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/8s f/2.7 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
laine8222-Jun-2006 20:27
Interesting colour mix there.
Guest 20-Jun-2006 22:16
Very nice shot!
Zak20-Jun-2006 18:05
nice mug shot! ;-)
royalld20-Jun-2006 13:52
I like that mug.
I like that mug a lot.
Karen Stuebing20-Jun-2006 09:41
Love that coffee mug. Nice framing and certainly worth a PAD.
yosi aptekar20-Jun-2006 06:38
nice shot.
Robin Reid20-Jun-2006 04:09
Whenever you "run out of ideas" you always revert to some form of food. Nice shot.
Karen Leaf20-Jun-2006 03:26
from the thumb I thought vanilla ice cream.
Think maybe we're on the same time/idea page, lol!
Greg Harp20-Jun-2006 03:08
Wonderful composition.
Herb 20-Jun-2006 02:38
Mugging your PAD LOL
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