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26-MAR-2006 © Stuart Clyne

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Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/400s f/7.1 at 55.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Geoff Smith01-Apr-2008 21:55
Lots of curves...nicely done!
monica memoli10-Mar-2008 22:57
Beautiful quiet mood. v
Guest 10-Mar-2008 14:53
Hey Stuart, congratulations - this is a stunning image!
Guest 10-Mar-2008 10:29
Great photo, Stuart.
Well done on winning the "Curves" comp!
Guest 10-Mar-2008 07:19
Intriguing, mysterious, beautiful image - congratulations on winning the 76th S&T comp .... nice work!
Ken Zaret07-Mar-2008 00:15
this is an awesome shot, really beautiful and interesting to figure out too.
Andrys Basten23-Aug-2007 10:52
Stuart, sorry for using your last name only ! Again, that is one gorgeous photo.
Andrys Basten23-Aug-2007 10:51
Clyne, beautiful photo. Just saw it at S&T forum's contest. (It should have taken a prize!)
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