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Culture and Festivals

Qing Ming
:: Qing Ming ::
Firecrackers, Trances, and Self-Torture at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival
:: Firecrackers, Trances, and Self-Torture at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival ::
:: Thaipusam ::
Lantern (Mooncake) Festival
:: Lantern (Mooncake) Festival ::
Getai and Hungry Ghosts
:: Getai and Hungry Ghosts ::
Via Crucis, re-enactment of the Crucifixion
:: Via Crucis, re-enactment of the Crucifixion ::
Crucifixion Up Close
:: Crucifixion Up Close ::
Lenten Rites Flagellation
:: Lenten Rites Flagellation ::
Theemidhi (Rituals before the Fire Walking)
:: Theemidhi (Rituals before the Fire Walking) ::