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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> thailand_birds > Large Niltava ( male)
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11-26-05 Tom Munson

Large Niltava ( male)

Doi Inthanon Thailand

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carol Rollins30-Dec-2007 14:16
Diane Wu18-Dec-2005 05:34
Sooo beautiful! Great colors and details!
caveman_lee09-Dec-2005 17:23
Beautiful ! Vivi color
Peter Stahl09-Dec-2005 17:07
Outstanding shot.Nice detail and lighting.
Herb 09-Dec-2005 16:54
Nice shot
Graham Tomlin09-Dec-2005 16:43
good picture regards Helen
Bryan Murahashi09-Dec-2005 16:07
Fabulous capture. Like the vivid blues and nice details.