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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dec 2007 Photo-a-Day > Morning Frost along West Virginia (USA) Highway.
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Morning Frost along West Virginia (USA) Highway.

Kodak Z650
1/640s f/3.2 at 13.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bartosz Kotulski11-Jun-2009 09:21
wonderful light and beautiful morning mood. nicely composed
Guest 12-May-2008 00:29
Beautiful image! Love the frosty light. v
poetry66610-Dec-2007 23:53
Gorgeous wintery composition Carol. I love the haze and lighting. Superb..V!
January Grey08-Dec-2007 06:07
Excellent capture! Love the mood. V~
monil07-Dec-2007 15:04
wonderfull mood and light. V
mathilda williams06-Dec-2007 04:46
oh how very beautiful!
wonderful mood, and a little magic as well.
Randy Adams05-Dec-2007 22:40
Beautiful composition Carol....well done!
René Lortie05-Dec-2007 21:37
Great frosty mood and atmosphere.
Kathy Pedersen04-Dec-2007 12:55
Lovely exposure of this cold morning....I love the mystic feel of this image, Carol. V
Jay Levin04-Dec-2007 03:47
Love the frost covered contours. Very nice landscape. Vote
Michael Shpuntov04-Dec-2007 00:07
Great atmospheric image.
Guest 03-Dec-2007 23:23
Beautiful with nice mood with the morning fog. Nicely composed.
Barb03-Dec-2007 23:18
Excellent shot. V
Tom Munson03-Dec-2007 19:53
A lovely image Carol. v
Carol Rollins03-Dec-2007 19:50
This is soooo beautiful, Carol! Wonderful shot. V.
Chris03-Dec-2007 19:41
This was us last week - now it's +6 and damp, cold and wet! This is a lovely shot. Chris
Guest 03-Dec-2007 19:29
Wonderful light the frost casts, something I don't see, terrific..v
zeev segal03-Dec-2007 17:42
Excellent shot,Beautiful view,Carol , V
Guest 03-Dec-2007 15:40
Excellent! v
flowsnow03-Dec-2007 14:36
Excellent shot.
Silvia Roitman03-Dec-2007 13:49
very very nice!!!
Guest 03-Dec-2007 10:17
Beautiful!!! V
An De Wilde03-Dec-2007 08:23
thats nice !
regi olbrechts03-Dec-2007 07:35
Superb Carol!
QUERIDO03-Dec-2007 07:03
Beautiful shot,vote
laine8203-Dec-2007 06:23
Jack Frost is nipping alright !! Lovely shot, Carol.
monil03-Dec-2007 04:31
Wow it's magic. V
Char03-Dec-2007 04:22
Hi Carol,
An excellent shot! Great birdseye view it looks like you're coming in for a landing. \/
Mindy McNaugher03-Dec-2007 04:18
Exquisite image Carol!
Marijka03-Dec-2007 03:38
west viginia morning -- nice moment, well done!!
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