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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Let's Go Down to the River > Louisville, Kentucky Skyline.JPG
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Louisville, Kentucky Skyline.JPG

I was driving across one of the bridges
spanning the Ohio river between Indiana and Kentucky;
at such an hour there was no traffic so I
jumped out of the car and quickly snapped this picture
as the Quarter Moon shone brightly.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Char04-Oct-2006 01:58
How did I ever miss this?? What a wonderful night shot Carol! There's the Galt House where we stayed when we were in Louisville a few years ago. The caliapee would play out on the river. It was a wonderful place. Thanks for this shot I really love it. GMV
Guest 01-Oct-2006 04:01
Great night shot. Like the reflections. vote.
Robin Reid01-Oct-2006 02:16
This is beautiful work .. vote.
Guest 01-Oct-2006 01:09
Excellent cityscape at night Carol, GMV!
Bob Foisel30-Sep-2006 20:14
Excellent night cityscape Carol. Voted.
Peter Stahl30-Sep-2006 15:18
Excellent cityscape shot Carol!
QUERIDO30-Sep-2006 06:47
very nice shot,vote
Jay Levin30-Sep-2006 04:14
Outstanding shot, Carol. Vote
Bryan Murahashi30-Sep-2006 04:00
Nice colors in this great skyline shot. V.
Mindy McNaugher30-Sep-2006 03:30
Excellent night shot and reflections! Lovely skyline! And I assume that's the moon! Superb! Vote!
Coleen Perilloux Landry30-Sep-2006 02:15
Well done.
Guest 30-Sep-2006 01:15
Fantastic skyline!! vote
Guest 30-Sep-2006 00:45
Very nice reflections in the water, and perfect exposure.
Cindi Smith30-Sep-2006 00:25
Beautiful capture and the reflections are gorgeous along with the skyline! V
De'Carr Studio29-Sep-2006 23:33
Excellent skyscape....Carol. vote
Jill29-Sep-2006 23:17
beautiful night cityscape.
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