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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> September Photo-a-Day > After the Rain.
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After the Rain.

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Focus28-Sep-2006 14:30
Free carwash from mother nature.....nice capture!
Shayne28-Sep-2006 00:17
Wonderful Image
Cindi Smith27-Sep-2006 23:58
Too cool! That would be a great carwash! Wonderful and vote!
Cliff27-Sep-2006 21:05
Amazing photo - beautiful.
petesie27-Sep-2006 17:22
That must have been some rain....amazing. GMV
Guest 27-Sep-2006 16:23
Wonderful shot! vote
Bob Foisel27-Sep-2006 14:56
I love the way the people are in there for scale. GMV. well taken.
Greg Harp27-Sep-2006 13:46
Outstanding! GMV
Guest 27-Sep-2006 12:57
Just gorgeous carol. Vote
Guest 27-Sep-2006 11:42
interesting position for a fall
Coleen Perilloux Landry27-Sep-2006 10:54
You realize the size of it with the comparison of the people. Wonderful image.
laine8227-Sep-2006 10:37
Nice place for a carwash !!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 09:23
That looks to be a very interesting place! Thanks for sharing.
Jay Levin27-Sep-2006 03:47
Spectacular photo. That's one fascinating rock formation complete with a waterfall! V
J. Scott Coile27-Sep-2006 03:05
Memories... I'll bet its been 35 years since I visited this spot on a family vacation. Cool!
CIS27-Sep-2006 02:56
That car underneath sure gives this the scale of the grandeur. Vote
Kathy Pedersen27-Sep-2006 02:53
Beutifully captured, Vote
Bryan Murahashi27-Sep-2006 02:49
Nice capture of the waterfall. Neat that there is a road under it. V.
Wei O'Connell27-Sep-2006 02:47
Great capture of this fun place. vote
Char27-Sep-2006 02:40
That looks like fun. I'd like to walk under that too. Excellent shot! GMV
Steven Jusczyk27-Sep-2006 02:39
Good place for a shower!
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