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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> September Photo-a-Day > RainRainFallingFall!
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Guest 21-Jan-2007 18:45
I adore how to catch the perfect and the moment of every shot. You are great¡
I admire your work very much, VOTED
j>a>e>17 :):):)01-Oct-2006 08:24
empowered autumn
zestFULL colors for my soul
october ready

"17" fall wishes for you, John : )
Guest 29-Sep-2006 18:09
Nice colorful capture. Has an abstract feeling. v.
Buz Kiefer26-Sep-2006 14:12
Excellent find.
Greg Harp26-Sep-2006 03:48
Outstanding work. GMV
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Sep-2006 21:56
Great job Carol. Love the colors. GMV Sandy
Graham Tomlin25-Sep-2006 20:38
lovely regards Helen
J. Scott Coile25-Sep-2006 18:36
Pealing layers! Super colors.
Peter Stahl25-Sep-2006 13:12
What a nice mix of colors! Well done Carol!
Guest 25-Sep-2006 12:43
Wonderful shot! vote
QUERIDO25-Sep-2006 11:45
very nice shot,vote
Sheila25-Sep-2006 09:21
My favourite colours too. Great abstract, I feel as if I'm underwater.
Bryan Murahashi25-Sep-2006 05:44
Very colorful capture.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 04:26
My favorite colors! Beautiful. V
Guest 25-Sep-2006 03:31
beautiful colors!
laine8225-Sep-2006 03:03
A very good abstract style shot, Carol. Love the colours ~v
Kathy Pedersen25-Sep-2006 02:34
Stunning colors and textures! Vote
1105191225-Sep-2006 02:28
Beautiful colors there. Carol, is it raining?
Rich Westfall25-Sep-2006 02:26
Wow! What a rainbow of color. Nice shot.
Char25-Sep-2006 02:15
This is magnificiant Carol! Love it! GMV
Mindy McNaugher25-Sep-2006 02:15
Stunning abstract Carol! Love the feeling of a veil of layers! Vote!
De'Carr Studio25-Sep-2006 02:02
Makes a fantastic abstract!! Vote
Guest 25-Sep-2006 02:02
Wonderful abstraction.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 02:00
As if the leaf was printed in the wood! Superb colors, great find! Voted.
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