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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scavenging for Pictures > Almost Dark
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21-Apr-2019 Carol J Phipps

Almost Dark

(Please know I’ve tried at least a dozen
Times to rotate this pic and once it is
Upright, the next day it is turned sideways again.
I don’t know what the problem may be.
I’ve even tried to reload.)

The last of the sun for the day
Was shining on this branch,
This flower. I was walking
Back from the trash dumpster, and
Had to stop and capture the moment.

Apple iPhone 6S
1/1570s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso25 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mieke WA Minkjan27-Apr-2019 11:14
beautiful Carol V
LynnH26-Apr-2019 00:00
What a find! Worth stopping for, indeed! V
Mairéad25-Apr-2019 20:39
It's very pretty and nice light.
Dennis Hoyne25-Apr-2019 20:37
It was a worthwhile trip to the dumpster, nice shot!
Graeme25-Apr-2019 09:33
Beautifully captured, Carol. Nice light too! V
laine25-Apr-2019 07:01
I think your dogwoods are stunning in the late afternoon light.
Liz Bickel25-Apr-2019 02:52
Very pretty light on this white dogwood.
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