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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scavenger Hunt August 2018 > Song 由ocky Raccoon
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29-AUG-2018 Carol J Phipps

Song 由ocky Raccoon

These Raccoons appear more congenial
than in the song.

This picture shows how these raccoons are right at my back door.
My Cat, Jenny is having quite a show. There are four babies
but only when the mother is present are all four babies present.
Interesting! (I had spread bird seed.) It痴 raining and thundering.
No problems for the raccoons.

Apple iPhone 6S
1/30s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH01-Sep-2018 01:19
That's too cute!!!!
jeanb31-Aug-2018 19:15
I smell problems in your future...
Mieke WA Minkjan31-Aug-2018 11:07
stocking up for the winter? great catch
laine31-Aug-2018 05:17
I love that they are feeling cute. I hope the parents are okay and still about somewhere !!
A great choice...I've loved your ( Elaine's ) poems
cits_4_pets31-Aug-2018 05:06
Raccoons are such cute animals (but can be deadly). great shot with Jenny watching them! Great song as well. (The Sun Kings in the SF Bay area are a great Beatles cover band)
Jola Dziubinska31-Aug-2018 00:39
Cute animals.
Helen Betts30-Aug-2018 00:44
You cat must wish he could get out there! Great capture, Carol. V.
Dennis Hoyne29-Aug-2018 23:47
You must feed them. A neat shot of this trio, 4 if you count the cat! V
Graeme29-Aug-2018 20:58
Nice capture of these raccoons on your patio, Carol.V
Frank Tran29-Aug-2018 20:38
Nicely composed and captured. V+
Jim Coffman29-Aug-2018 19:27
The masked bandits have arrived!
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