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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> July Challenge \ Scavenger Hunt > Distant
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29-JUL-2018 Carol J phipps


This old Elm tree is on the Historical Record
for its great age (oldest elm in the state) and size;
towers above nearby buildings.
The sad thing is it
has developed a disease and may have to be
chopped down.

Apple iPhone 6S
1/601s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso5000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stephanie31-Jul-2018 13:43
Love your pov of this beautiful tree! Unfortunately, life comes to an end at some point ~ so sorry it has to be soon... V
Dennis Hoyne31-Jul-2018 00:12
You made this old tree a cyber celebrity with this beautiful composition! V
woody3431-Jul-2018 00:03
Like the perspective, makes a great shot of the tree even though it may be chopped down..V
Mieke WA Minkjan30-Jul-2018 14:21
like the pov V and yes it is sad when old trees are dying
LynnH30-Jul-2018 11:08
Aw, it makes me sad, but we all have to die some day, I suppose. Love this clever up-view. V
Graeme30-Jul-2018 08:36
A beautiful shot of this old tree, Carol. A local tree near where I live had to be chopped down close to a landmark. I still miss seeing it now. V!!
joseantonio30-Jul-2018 04:02
so sad news for this old tree.V.
cits_4_pets30-Jul-2018 03:44
Dying trees, very common problem here as well. Lots of pine trees dying and giant sequoia out back looks sickly in spots. Beetles I think have infested the pine trees, they get cut down then the wood chips get spread out in the community; DUH if they go beetle larvae in them just spreading them around to kill more trees.
laine30-Jul-2018 03:23
A world wide problem...very sad to see any old tree lose it's life.
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