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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scavenger Hunt August 2018 > So Now It's Official
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24-JUL-2018 Carol J Phipps

So Now It's Official

So now it’s official:
We humans have molecules inside us
with an affinity for chocolate,
microbes that dance with joy
to see the dark ambrosia
oozing down our intestinal tract.
Even the scientific name is delicious—
Polyphrenolic polymers. Say it out loud,
Poly-phren-olic poly-mers! See?
Just pronouncing it tastes good.
As icing on the cake, you might say,
this creamy treat can now be
considered a health food.
Life is sweet.

—Elaine Parker Akin

Apple iPhone 6S
1/24s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
jeanb27-Aug-2018 19:40
I must admit, I’ve always considered it a health food...
LynnH27-Aug-2018 01:02
Deep dark chocolate-y color! V
cits_4_pets26-Aug-2018 23:37
Jean D26-Aug-2018 21:04
Terrific capture of this chocolate delight. ~V
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Aug-2018 12:11
chocolate yummy photo V
laine26-Aug-2018 02:26
LOL...good to know I can't help the addiction, that's it's a part of what I am. A delightful photo, Carol. V
Dennis Hoyne26-Aug-2018 00:36
A beautiful image, and the best poem ever, I love chocolate especially the dark stuff! V
Vonnie Coleman 13-Aug-2018 15:27
This poem and it's preceding technicolor tease, melts in my mouth and my hand. I don't care what Mars wants us to believe. More please.
globalgadabout24-Jul-2018 18:22
a delectable visual ode, and a cluster to savour...dark chocolate (with no candy filling) is one of life's great pleasures...the antioxidants within apparently offer worthwhile health benefits too...
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