This Cecil B. DeMille, black and white film was done in 1927. Powerful film!
I first discovered it 2011. It is a silent film and captioned.
One of my all-time favorite scenes is the one with the little girl.
She brought her broken doll to the Jesus character to fix it since she had heard
that Jesus healed a lame boy. Wonderful how the scene is handled.
The Raising of Lazarus is another powerful scene.
An amazing scene for the early date (1927) is the casting out of the evil spirits from Mary Magdalene.
I don't know how they accomplished it, but it rivals special effects done today.
I took these photo scenes from the booklet that comes with the movie and
placed them with a lily from my garden.
The the way, the earlier abstract was created by pinching a photo of the top
of a Lazy-Susan that has mosaic tile on top. The center is a pinched mountain.