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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Making Music ~ An Experiment >
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Jola Dziubinska05-Jan-2009 00:07
Superb, excellent warm tones.
Barbara Heide04-Jan-2009 11:59
interesting shot!
J. Scott Coile03-Jan-2009 17:11
Very nice warmth to this.
Yvonne03-Jan-2009 09:30
Quite an abstract effect up this close!
Maaike Huizer03-Jan-2009 08:24
Lovely warm colours, lovely texture.
Carol Rollins03-Jan-2009 05:07
Very creative and unique shot Carol. Nice work my friend.
Guest 03-Jan-2009 04:03
also abstact in color, good work.
laine8203-Jan-2009 03:18
Super shot the warmth !!
Marcia Colelli03-Jan-2009 02:40
very creative, nice colors and shapes
Kerry Tingley03-Jan-2009 02:30
Great shot Carol. The color and shape of the wood is beautiful!
virginiacoastline03-Jan-2009 01:30
shapes & lines & colors . . .minimal as can be
works for me =)
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