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carol j. phipps | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn 2020 Photo-A-Day tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Autumn 2020 Photo-A-Day

Elaine’s Table, Beautiful Always
Elaine’s Table, Beautiful Always
Perky Autumn Leaf
Perky Autumn Leaf
Dancing Clouds Before Storm
Dancing Clouds Before Storm
Still Lovely at 91
Still Lovely at 91
Window on Time
Window on Time
Around the Neighborhood
Around the Neighborhood
Glory of Autumn!
Glory of Autumn!
Hope it was Old Age!
Hope it was Old Age!
In the Neighborhood
In the Neighborhood
Glorious day!
Glorious day!
Fenced in—
Fenced in—
Sheltered Begonias
Sheltered Begonias
Chard— Good for the Heart!
Chard— Good for the Heart!
Bent with Beauty!
Bent with Beauty!
Autumn Daises
Autumn Daises
A Majestic ‘Ol Tree!
A Majestic ‘Ol Tree!
Along Country Roads
Along Country Roads
Tenacious Tree
Tenacious Tree
Johnson Lake
Johnson Lake
Madison, Indiana
Madison, Indiana
Johnson Lake
Johnson Lake
Johnson Lake Park
Johnson Lake Park
Gifts of Autumn
Gifts of Autumn
Sweet Potato Humus Wrap
Sweet Potato Humus Wrap
Hanover, Indiana Overlook
Hanover, Indiana Overlook
My Pot RUNNETH Over!
My Pot RUNNETH Over!
Yummy Veggie Meal
Yummy Veggie Meal