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CJ Morgan | all galleries >> Galleries >> LIFE AFTER PHOTO A DAY 2005 > 051231-0173-1DMkII-812-EM.jpg
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End Of 2005

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/25s f/9.0 at 16.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jun-2006 07:10
Fabulous. I don't have enough superlatives! :-)
Guest 04-Apr-2006 17:45
great image!
Guest 29-Jan-2006 02:15
wonderful colorful shot. Looks like they were ringing out the old year in style.
ANUPAM ANNAD 10-Jan-2006 12:26
Great composition !Apt perspective! Keep it up dude !!
Hans VR03-Jan-2006 22:47
Great shot CJ.
Guest 03-Jan-2006 17:38
I just love this picture (as do I many toehrs that you've done). Did you just zoom slightly to get that effect? Play with shutter curtain?
Mike Morgan 03-Jan-2006 09:41
WOW......the colour, the energy............Great shot
Guest 02-Jan-2006 21:09
I just love this picture (as do I many toehrs that you've done). Did you just zoom slightly to get that effect? Play with shutter curtain?
Guest 02-Jan-2006 20:37
wonderful as always!
Guest 02-Jan-2006 15:03
nice shot! Happy New Year to all your family CJ
Herb 01-Jan-2006 17:35
Nice shot
Dan Chusid01-Jan-2006 17:24
That's a fun image!
Happy New Year!
markvm01-Jan-2006 16:25
Super image, CJ! I really like the blur and vivid colors.
Jvan Photography01-Jan-2006 15:53
Happy faces :-) love the blur and the color too. Happy New Year CJ!
Guest 01-Jan-2006 15:33
WHAT a great shot, bravo! What wonderful processing to add to the happiness they are feeling!
Jennifer K01-Jan-2006 14:47
This is wonderful! I love how well you conveyed their excitement. Happy New Year to you, CJ!
Gary Blanchette01-Jan-2006 14:37
Great editing!
Guest 01-Jan-2006 14:27
Great expressions, terrific color and effects. Happy new year!
Isabel Cutler01-Jan-2006 12:51
Really captures the moment!
Shane Lam 01-Jan-2006 12:50
Cool!!! ;-p Happy New Year my friend ;-)
Guest 01-Jan-2006 11:54
What a shot! Really captured the moment
Guest 01-Jan-2006 10:57
very cool effect.
Guest 01-Jan-2006 10:15