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cits_4_pets | all galleries >> PAD & PAW Galleries >> 2022 May PAD > The Pit Stop (well one of many)
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The Pit Stop (well one of many)

Oliver is one of the dogs I walk quite often in my pet sitting biz. Doing what he is supposed to do, having a potty break.

samsung SM-A505U
1/704s f/1.7 at 3.9mm iso40 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Apostolos Tikopoulos12-May-2022 17:24
Excellent shot and great timing. V
larose forest photos08-May-2022 17:56
Everyday thing for sure! V
Dennis Hoyne07-May-2022 01:38
Neat catch, doing what he's supposed to.
John Vass06-May-2022 04:04
LOL! He's like "Gee Flo let me go" v
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