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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Wedding >> Reception tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


What sticks out in our minds: not a cloud in the sky, a teatering chair dance, great food, hanging with family and old friends, seeing Dave dance for the 3rd time in my life, dancing 'The Hustle', choc covered stawberries & cobbler-who needs cake!

Click on individual images for a larger view.
Jerry & Carolyn @ chair dance
Jerry & Carolyn @ chair dance
Oh, Tyler.....
Oh, Tyler.....
The set up
The set up
YUMMY food!
YUMMY food!
amy, shaka, Tyler
amy, shaka, Tyler
buh bye
buh bye
good tunes
good tunes
lory & lisa
lory & lisa
nice set up!
nice set up!
proof that dave can dance (sort of)
proof that dave can dance (sort of)
rob & lara
rob & lara
see ya later
see ya later
twinkle toes glynn
twinkle toes glynn
we're married!
we're married!
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