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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> SE Asia >> Thailand >> Beaches >> The Sanctuary tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Sanctuary

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Long tail drivers are cool
Long tail drivers are cool
Mini buddha temple
Mini buddha temple
our morning visitor
our morning visitor
Shoes off
Shoes off
M & a staff member
M & a staff member
What's for lunch today, NOT!  We're fasting
What's for lunch today, NOT! We're fasting
The beach
The beach
More Longtails
More Longtails
The Sanctuary Resort
The Sanctuary Resort
M took a chill pill
M took a chill pill
The library and hang out
The library and hang out
The Bungalows
The Bungalows
The Colonic rooms
The Colonic rooms
Hanging out in the
Hanging out in the
Moon the Guru
Moon the "Guru"
The colonic room
The colonic room
The Spa
The Spa
The ever present Buddhas
The ever present Buddhas
Our Canadian Friends
Our Canadian Friends
Locals fishing
Locals fishing
Relaxing on the ferry back to Samui
Relaxing on the ferry back to Samui
Pretty sunset over Koh Samui
Pretty sunset over Koh Samui
It's all about the coconut juice in Thailand
It's all about the coconut juice in Thailand