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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> New Zealand >> Transportation at its Best tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Transportation at its Best

Our beloved new (very used) Seafoam Green Mitsubishi Starwagon -- STELLA!
Step 1:  Remove the nasty brown carpet
Step 1: Remove the nasty brown carpet
It's only a little bit of rust (found under carpet).  We only own it for 3 months..we'll live!
It's only a little bit of rust (found under carpet). We only own it for 3 months..we'll live!
Step 2: Sweep the 1 thick pile of dirt and sand out
Step 2: Sweep the 1" thick pile of dirt and sand out
Step 3:  Use a bit of Ajax and scrub, scrub, scrub
Step 3: Use a bit of Ajax and scrub, scrub, scrub
Step 5:  Give her a bath
Step 5: Give her a bath
Step 6:  Create a bed platform
Step 6: Create a bed platform
Perfect fit
Perfect fit
Homemade curtains
Homemade curtains
All fixed up with free stuff---GORGEOUS
All fixed up with free stuff---GORGEOUS