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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Miscellaneous >> Random Shots tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Random Shots

We had fun taking pictures of park and road signs. You might have a laugh we did! Enjoy!
Click on individual photos to enlarge.
Another weird sign by the Parks department - watch the cliffs, ground is slippery, and watch out for kids?
Another weird sign by the Parks department - watch the cliffs, ground is slippery, and watch out for kids?
Watch for falling rocks & be careful of the tides!
Watch for falling rocks & be careful of the tides!
Yes, it's a kangaroo crossing, just like deer signs in the US.  They are everywhere!
Yes, it's a kangaroo crossing, just like deer signs in the US. They are everywhere!
Koalas - watch out!  Doesn't it look like Mr. Bill??
Koalas - watch out! Doesn't it look like Mr. Bill??
Watch out!!  Cassowary Crossing
Watch out!! Cassowary Crossing
Australian humor - BEFORE--Cassowary Warning, AFTER (top) -Speed bump sign doctored to look like dead Cassowary
Australian humor - BEFORE--Cassowary Warning, AFTER (top) -Speed bump sign doctored to look like dead Cassowary
No stingers until March...whew!
No stingers until March...whew!
Warning Bird Crossing--complete with shotgun blast holes
Warning Bird Crossing--complete with shotgun blast holes
The painting we didn't buy... of the Bungle, Bungles..
The painting we didn't buy... of the Bungle, Bungles..
Painting #1 of the Bungle Bungle Mountain Range in the Australian Outback
Painting #1 of the Bungle Bungle Mountain Range in the Australian Outback
Painting #2 of the Bungle Bungles....
Painting #2 of the Bungle Bungles....
A typical hostel room...
A typical hostel room...
The longest words ever in Norway
The longest words ever in Norway
Sistine Chapel
Sistine Chapel