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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Africa >> Kenya Safari >> Samburu National Park >> Other - Samburu tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Other - Samburu

Acacia Tree against backdrop of Samburuland.JPG
Acacia Tree against backdrop of Samburuland.JPG
Acacia tree.JPG
Acacia tree.JPG
Camping safari truck.JPG
Camping safari truck.JPG
Our worst safari crowd, yet.JPG
Our worst safari crowd, yet.JPG
Pygmy Mongoose on a termite hill.JPG
Pygmy Mongoose on a termite hill.JPG
Safari Guide Duncan.JPG
Safari Guide Duncan.JPG
See the rainbow.JPG
See the rainbow.JPG
another acacia.JPG
another acacia.JPG
crock feeding time as the storks wait for the leftovers.JPG
crock feeding time as the storks wait for the leftovers.JPG
eating a bothersome tourist.JPG
eating a bothersome tourist.JPG
imported from Saudi Arabia.JPG
imported from Saudi Arabia.JPG
north of Mountain Lodge.JPG
north of Mountain Lodge.JPG
safari van.JPG
safari van.JPG
tribal decor.JPG
tribal decor.JPG