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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Israel >> Jerusalem >> Old City tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Old City

Near Jaffa Gate
Near Jaffa Gate
Jaffa Gate Entrance
Jaffa Gate Entrance
Armenian Quarter
Armenian Quarter
St. James Church in Armenian Quarter
St. James Church in Armenian Quarter
Ancient crosses
Ancient crosses
Excavations of the Cardo
Excavations of the Cardo
Excavations of the Cardo
Excavations of the Cardo
Restored Cardo shops
Restored Cardo shops
Mount of Olives in Background
Mount of Olives in Background
al-Asqa Mosque
al-Asqa Mosque
Dome of the Rock & Western Wall
Dome of the Rock & Western Wall
Couple shot
Couple shot
Western Wall
Western Wall
Men's section Western Wall
Men's section Western Wall
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock
Muslim Quarter
Muslim Quarter
u37/chuy/medium/24271640.PC180276.jpg Sahlab- yummy orchid-pistachio concoction from Muslim Quarter
Sahlab- yummy orchid-pistachio concoction from Muslim Quarter
Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre
Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre
What are they talking about?
What are they talking about?
Entrance to the tomb of Jesus
Entrance to the tomb of Jesus
Tomb of Jesus
Tomb of Jesus
Lights above tomb of Jesus
Lights above tomb of Jesus
Holy Person marching around church with incense past the Stone of the Unction
Holy Person marching around church with incense past the Stone of the Unction
u37/chuy/medium/24272211.PC180286.jpg u37/chuy/medium/24272212.PC180291.jpg
burial chamber
burial chamber
Soldier buying some sweets
Soldier buying some sweets
Arab shouq
Arab shouq
Spices in the Arab shouq
Spices in the Arab shouq
Mahane Yehuda bustling
Mahane Yehuda bustling
Dave buying some sweets
Dave buying some sweets