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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Australia >> Queensland (Northeast) >> Noosa - September 18th-October 5th tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Noosa - September 18th-October 5th

Our visit to Noosa lasted 3 enjoyable weeks. Highlights included staying at Ray's 2 blocks from the beach, playing/hiking the beautiful beaches, taking a great drive to visit/hike the Glasshouse Mtns and Dave learned to surf.

Of course the time spent helping Ray with his lacrosse tournament was great, except for Dave hurting his back. He seems fully recovered now.....
Caravan park wildlife
Caravan park wildlife
Our $1/day campervan -- pretty sweet!
Our $1/day campervan -- pretty sweet!
Steve, the crocodile man, is EVERYWHERE & 2 stories tall!!!
Steve, the crocodile man, is EVERYWHERE & 2 stories tall!!!
The Glasshouse Mountians near Noosa  -- lovely drive
The Glasshouse Mountians near Noosa -- lovely drive
One of the many waterfalls in the Glasshouse Mts.  (6K hike, whew!)
One of the many waterfalls in the Glasshouse Mts. (6K hike, whew!)
Glasshouse Mountain Drive
Glasshouse Mountain Drive
Glasshouse Mountain Drive 2
Glasshouse Mountain Drive 2
Ray & AMEX - feel the love
Ray & AMEX - feel the love
AMEX placed - he came in 3rd - winning a couple grand for Ray & the other owners
AMEX placed - he came in 3rd - winning a couple grand for Ray & the other owners
Enjoying our 1st time at the track
Enjoying our 1st time at the track
Ray watching his horse move towards #3
Ray watching his horse move towards #3
Poor Dave, he had to wear a shirt & tie for the horse races.  Not a happy man!
Poor Dave, he had to wear a shirt & tie for the horse races. Not a happy man!
Mmmm.. BBQ at Ray's house
Mmmm.. BBQ at Ray's house
Large, hairy Golden Retriever friends
Large, hairy Golden Retriever friends
Working at Ray's office -- Caffeine improved Travis' impromptu performance (or so he thought)
Working at Ray's office -- Caffeine improved Travis' impromptu performance (or so he thought)
Working at Ray's office -- Danger is my middle name
Working at Ray's office -- Danger is my middle name
Working at Ray's office--Travis on too much coffee
Working at Ray's office--Travis on too much coffee
This is a very dangerous Blue Bottle jellyfish...found many big & small on beach
This is a very dangerous Blue Bottle jellyfish...found many big & small on beach
3 hour beach hike
3 hour beach hike
View from Noosa National Park
View from Noosa National Park
Very choppy water.  No, M isn't trying to jump!
Very choppy water. No, M isn't trying to jump!