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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Israel >> Dead Sea & Masada >> Masada tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


view from Masada down to the roman camps and visitors center
view from Masada down to the roman camps and visitors center
ruins along the south wall
ruins along the south wall
more Roman camps on the west side
more Roman camps on the west side
hole in the wall across the Dead Sea valley
hole in the wall across the Dead Sea valley
d checking out the ruins of Masada
d checking out the ruins of Masada
brilliant tile work on these old walls
brilliant tile work on these old walls
another interior bath
another interior bath
tiled floors everywhere
tiled floors everywhere
one of the ornate pools
one of the ornate pools
this cistern was one source of water for the fortress
this cistern was one source of water for the fortress
the view down the Roman built ramp
the view down the Roman built ramp