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Chris Lock | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> My Favorites > Fog over Burnaby and Vancouver
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Fog over Burnaby and Vancouver

This view is looking west from Burnaby Mountain, it's Capital Hill in Burnaby that can been seen poking through the fog, the rest of Vancouver is shrouded in fog.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/500s f/10.0 at 130.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 18-Feb-2008 02:21
You're going to have to climb to the top of these trees to get some fresh air!
Cracking shot!
Ann Cleeves12-Apr-2007 09:43
Amazing shot
Guest 04-Feb-2007 01:52
Great back yard.
Rosi Blaurock03-Feb-2007 18:41
Very nice.
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