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Chris Lock | profile | all galleries >> Greece >> Athens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


Pictures from my 2006 summer trip to Athens, including a day trip to the surrounding area and 2009 March Spring Break trip. Greece is the home of the Gods, and the best food in the world.

Other galleries from Greece include : Mainland Greece and The Islands
The Acropolis
The Acropolis
The ancient Agora
The ancient Agora
The ancient Agora
The ancient Agora
The death mask of Agamemnon
The death mask of Agamemnon
The Plaka
The Plaka
Filopappos Hill and the urban sprawl of Athens
Filopappos Hill and the urban sprawl of Athens
The Parthenon atop the acropolis and the theatre of Herodus Atticus
The Parthenon atop the acropolis and the theatre of Herodus Atticus
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
The Acropolis
The Acropolis
The Temple of Haphaetus
The Temple of Haphaetus
The well preserved Temple of Hephaestus
The well preserved Temple of Hephaestus
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
Grave Stelae from the National Archeology Museum
Grave Stelae from the National Archeology Museum
Pan tries to embrace Aphrodite
Pan tries to embrace Aphrodite
The Minoan Boys boxing
The Minoan Boys boxing
Caryatids from the Erechtheum
Caryatids from the Erechtheum
Palm trees at the Botanical Garden
Palm trees at the Botanical Garden
An Evzone, The Greek Guards
An Evzone, The Greek Guards
Changing of the Guard
Changing of the Guard
Evzone marching
Evzone marching
A typical street scene in Athens
A typical street scene in Athens
The Temple of Zeus
The Temple of Zeus
The Temple of Zeus
The Temple of Zeus
A road scene outside the Parliament Building and Syntagma Square
A road scene outside the Parliament Building and Syntagma Square
The Plaka
The Plaka
Shopping in the Plaka
Shopping in the Plaka
The Filopappos Monument
The Filopappos Monument
Looking south over Athens from the Filopappos Hill
Looking south over Athens from the Filopappos Hill
Looking north over Athens from the Filopappos Hill
Looking north over Athens from the Filopappos Hill
The Acropolis from the Filopappos Hill
The Acropolis from the Filopappos Hill
The Acropolis
The Acropolis