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29 september 2006

This time of year, the nights get colder and the mornings get more humid, creating these marvellous pieces of art outside.
Started a new gallery "Dewy Mornings", hope to be adding more soon.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EFS 60 mm f/2.8 Macro USM

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Petros Labrakos17-Nov-2006 22:42
superbly defined macro!
Jannik Lindquist11-Oct-2006 09:28
Definitely one of the most beautiful "droplet"-shots I've seen! GMV
Susan Leigh10-Oct-2006 10:15
oh my word, this is absolutely great..a wonderful capture, well done! V
shatterbug06-Oct-2006 05:32
Absolutely gorgeous! V.
jude03-Oct-2006 12:49
Exquisite detail ... I'd want to be very gentle around it so they didn't drop off.
Pierre Schneider02-Oct-2006 20:57
Top shot !
Guest 02-Oct-2006 17:26
Very well captured. vote.
Robert Charity01-Oct-2006 14:22
Sheila30-Sep-2006 00:36
Alf Terje Vollan29-Sep-2006 21:20
Very beutiful backlight.
Sharon Rogers29-Sep-2006 20:28
Very pretty!!! I love these sorts of mornings. v>
Guest 29-Sep-2006 20:28
Really nice, Chrisse. Voted.
laine8229-Sep-2006 20:19
So pretty, Chrisse. It's the same here this morning...very foggy & moist. v
Carole Stevens29-Sep-2006 20:14
Ooo so beautiful Chrisse! Love these shots its always so different!
CJ Burianek29-Sep-2006 20:10
This is absolutly Gorgeous Chrisse! I've notice the morning dew but I'm so not a morning person... You're inspiring me to actually get out there ;)
Marc Demoulin29-Sep-2006 19:37
Incredible and wonderful!!
beverley harrison29-Sep-2006 19:28
this is beautiful chrisse!! i must get up earlier!!
Jola Dziubinska29-Sep-2006 18:29
Precious jewels, brilliant shot. Vote.
Silvia Roitman29-Sep-2006 18:23
nordic29-Sep-2006 18:22
Works of art indeed, great capture
s_barbour29-Sep-2006 17:42
Exquisite image Chrisse! This is a real piece of art, it is stunning! I can't wait to view your "Dewy Mornings" gallery. GMV!
Olaf Herrig29-Sep-2006 17:41
A wonderful macro work!
Nicki Thurgar29-Sep-2006 17:34
I love those dewy mornings, this is a fabulous shot, the droplets are wonderful! ~V~
Guest 29-Sep-2006 17:30
Mindy McNaugher29-Sep-2006 17:19
Absolutely gorgeous Chrisse!! Vote!