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Trent Watts02-Aug-2014 13:49
Truly amazing set of galleries. You have a great eye for color and composition.
HULPIAUX 25-May-2012 12:35
Hello Chrisse,

Your pictures is always beautiful.
kingfisher 25-Mar-2012 00:48
What beautiful flowers. What beautiful photography! Thanks for letting others drink in the beauty!
Lynda 24-Mar-2012 19:40
Lovely photography! Very inspirational!
nakia 24-Mar-2012 18:41
Thank you for sharing your God given gift(s). I sipped a cup of tea and was totally amidst this beauty on a misty, cool spring morning.
de flippe 01-Dec-2011 22:33
Hello sussiewussie!

Niet verschieten zenne, ben ikke maar!

"schitterend"...zoals jij!

see you soon
Willy HULPIAUX 21-Sep-2011 10:49
Hello Chrisse,
The presentation of your work is quite simply splendid, jou apply your art with much of love and of passion, that is reflected in the precision and the framing of each catch of sight. Continious to fill with wonder us and brings back to us beautiful pictures of which we will never weary ourselves to look at.
Fels Eric 23-Aug-2011 15:02
Hoi we zijn vandaag eens in je prachtige albums komen rondsnuffelen, echt knap werk...
Nadat we mekaar in Leuven tegengekomen waren moesten we toch eens de tijd nemen om je webstek te bezoeken en ja hoor een mooie ervaring...

Fels Eric en Anita Campfrts beiden terug te vinden op FB
Alain Guillemet05-Dec-2010 17:50
Des Galleries Magnifiques et que de plaisirs partagés; Bravo !!!
deo (papito) samson 03-Sep-2010 19:48
You take such wonderful pictures. I love them all, they are so uplifting to the soul.
I look forward to seeing more of your photos. Thank you for sharing them.

Don Marlow13-Jul-2010 02:26
Love your images Chris. How do you post a photo to PAD. I have a gallery assigned to it but its never really been explained to me how I upload images to it. Hope to hear from ya.
tserennadmid 06-Apr-2010 10:19
My dream was just like you..
thank u for sharing.I am proud of you
Jenni alexander 13-Mar-2010 18:20
What a superb collection of images.
Thank you for sharing
Jenni Alexander
Laura 26-Feb-2010 07:49
Due parole in lingua italiana: brava e grazie! Brava per l'amore verso ogni forma di vita. Grazie per la mia foto rosa sulla laguna al carnevale di Venezia 2010. Laura
Angela Verbaeys 10-Jan-2010 15:46
Beste Chrisse,
via via kregen we jou aangeraden voor een eventuele huwelijksreportage.
Kan je ons je contactgegevens tegemoet laten komen via mail en ons eventueel reeds een idee van de prijs geven?
Heel erg bedankt,
Angela & Kristof
Guest 21-Dec-2009 10:26
really great galleries.. i like what i can see there..
well done.. thanks for sharing your work..
marita toftgard27-Aug-2009 09:37
thank you so much for
your kind words about my
gallery: sweden

so pleased you enjoyed it

have a wonderful day
Jean-Jacques Vandamme26-Aug-2009 21:03
Francophone ? Nederlandst/Vlaamsalig ? N'Etant pas sûr dus veiliger to continue in English ... Whatever your language is, I much enjoyed leafing through your many excellnt shots and admired your mastgery of color. I am envius. Take a look at and you will readily see why...
M Bashir 25-Aug-2009 17:53
very nice galleres...well done...I liked it to much
Geert Meekers 02-May-2009 20:05

Zou u ons uw gegevens kunnen geven zodat wij u kunnen contacteren ivm een huwelijksreportage.

Alvast bedankt,

Geert en Greetje
ML 12-Apr-2009 12:53
Eine grandiose Gallerie in die man sich verlieben kann. Vom Foto bist zur Darstellung absolute Perfektion!
Guest 11-Apr-2009 09:46
Great Galleries
Guest 14-Dec-2008 16:37
I am so glad I found you on PBase today. Your work is amazing and inspiring. It takes a really skilled hand for me to enjoy nature photography, and my time through your PaD was a fun, fun ride. Keep up the great work. I'll be back a lot.

Guest 07-Aug-2008 11:30
Mooie foto's reizen. weet je dat je het moet echt een album op deze site en tonen mensen (vrienden, familie, etc) waar je op reis ik graag een aantal suggesties voor vrienden hier.

als deze galerie:

zijn gratis en u kunt met ons deelt de plaatsen waar u reisde naar de op de kaart. neemt 3-4 minuten ...
(Dit is niet een site te vervangen PBASE, het is voor het delen van albums met muziek en versturen naar vrienden en deel je hier met foto's)
Nandis12-Jul-2008 08:29
Your work is a stunning display of talent and passion. I'm really impressed.
Rafa Prades [leoman]07-Nov-2007 13:20
Thank you for your comments. You have a very interesting collection of galleries with good photographs. Thank you and greetings
Guest 30-Sep-2007 12:59
J'ai passé vraiment un très bon moment à parocurir toutes tes galeries, les photos sont vraiment magnifiques.
La présentation de ce sie est très belle.

Bonne continuation !!

johan jol06-Sep-2007 19:36
Je galleries zijn een plezier om te bekijken. Ik ben ooit via de Santorini plaatjes op je pagina terecht gekomen en volg vanaf dat moment met een zekere regelmaat je shoots.
Het valt met vooral op dat je steeds in staat bent een mooie belichting te combineren met een mooi plaatje. Vooral je landschapfoto's zijn sprekend en ook je dagelijkse fotoboek is leuk om te volgen.
Er is veel te zien op het inetrnet maar veel is ook troep. Jij bent een gunstge uitzondering.

Norbert Fortelny06-Sep-2007 18:33
Very beautiful work.
Much appreciated.
Guest 15-Aug-2007 17:55
A very nice collection of photos Chrisse
Guest 13-Jun-2007 17:45
You're an artist in its own realm.
glcm10-Jun-2007 09:37
Simple, a great shot talent.
Gilles Dehérand25-May-2007 20:23
Salut Chrisse,
Comee à l'habitude , je me rends régulièrement sur ton site et quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de constater que tu as construit une superbe page de d'entrée. Elle est très réussie!
Je trouve que le slideshow est du plus bel effet!
Fabienne03-Apr-2007 19:25
Bonsoir Chrisse, je voulais vous mettre un commentaire pour te dire toute mon admiration devant tes galeries. Elles sont d'un grande qualité, imaginatives et toujours exécutées avec un grand soin et beaucoup de talent. C'est un vrai plaisir de suivre ton travail. Fabi
Guest 02-Apr-2007 21:41
Fantastic galleries! Thanks for sharing them!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:21
Your photos are good. I'll be back.
regi olbrechts23-Feb-2007 12:31
mooi homogeen werk Chrisse! alles gaaf van toon. doet een mensen herademen... leuk.
(ik doe ook bomen (trees). als je eens zin en tijd hebt...);
Alejandro16-Feb-2007 17:32
Hello, congratulation for these fantastics pics.
Glyn Curtis04-Feb-2007 01:11
Thanks for the comments....very flattered...I design and make everything from scratch as all our cabinetmaking is totally unique.
Glyn Curtis01-Feb-2007 12:18
Totally awsome shots,these are lovely galleries very well put together!! I really like the photography and know how much patience you have to take the shots of the bee's in flight.
I will come back again and vote lots!
Ashley Hockenberry09-Dec-2006 00:36
Everything here is professional quality. Very well done

Guest 22-Nov-2006 16:02
Beautifull pictures, greetings from Belgium.
Met de beste groeten uit Deinze
Marius Nistor01-Nov-2006 11:17
Usually I don't appreciate the shallow DOF. But you really are a maestro on this. Congrats - very nice work! The macro I enjoyed the most. Gave me another dimension of this kind of photography!
All the best!
Deborah Lewis08-Sep-2006 20:32
Thanks for stopping by!
RafM 26-Aug-2006 19:11
Je maakt foto's die me erg aanspreken.
Eenvoudig, expressief en met een perfecte belichting en compositie.
Vooral je gallerij van het schitterende Santorini vind ik bijzonder.
Guest 13-Jul-2006 10:38
Your photos have good mood and composition
Manuel 27-Jun-2006 17:23
Just want to tell you that I was very impressed with your photographs. I am an amateur photographer. I am in US California. check my site at mserrano1.
Nina Ludwig21-Jun-2006 11:31
Hi Chrisse! Thank you for you visits and comments it is really appreciated. Looking around your galleries today was a real pleasure, too many excellent pictures to single out. Good work!
Jean-Guy 21-Jun-2006 08:15
La beauté du monde est habituelle
Une fleur dans un vase, un regard d'enfant
Un paysage d'ici ou d'ailleurs
Nous passons, mais seul
Fait chanter nos sens dans la contemplation de sa splendeur
Il nous rend la vie plus belle
Il nous donne envie
De humer chaque fleur
D'embrasser chaque enfant
De caresser chaque femme
Et de se noyer dans chaque paysage

Merci, Artiste
Guest 18-Jun-2006 14:42
Near masterful work. It really caught my eye.
Guest 17-Jun-2006 14:46
I think your work is an inspiration to many of us. Do keep updating as I will always come back those updates!
Pierre Schneider16-Jun-2006 22:19
J'admire beaucoup votre galerie. Elle m'inspire un grand respect et des idées. Vous êtes dans mes favoris. Très cordialement, Pierre.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife15-Jun-2006 20:28
thanks for visiting. Pse have a look at this
Arno Meintjes Wildlife24-May-2006 04:33
Thanks for the comment. here is a link to the Lost city
Gilles Dehérand01-May-2006 04:32
Salut Christine,

Merci pour tes différents messages!
Figure-toi que c'est en regardant tes photos que je me suis mis à photographier des plantes et fleurs! Merci pour l'inspiration!
Le plant que tu ne connais pas est une fleur de rhubarbe.
Bien à toi
Guest 25-Apr-2006 21:23
Thank you for your nice comment chrisse.
raymond ker25-Apr-2006 20:28
Dear Chrisse,
You have all the attributes of a master photographer.
A glance through your "Best of 2005" illustrates the point.
You have great vision, originality, creativity, technical proficiency, sharp intellect, poetry and humour.
You are an enormous asset to the Pbase community and to art lovers around the world.
May you continue to inspire us and shine your beautiful light into our darker corners - far into the future.
And may you in turn attain great happiness, success and fulfilment.
I would value your comments and advice.
Best wishes,
Raymond ...
Arno Meintjes Wildlife24-Apr-2006 17:55
Hi Chrisse.
They are in the bush. I will do a posting or two before I join then.
Thanks for the comment. Dick
Arno Meintjes Wildlife18-Apr-2006 19:33
Chrisse, thanks for your comment on the hippo. This is the view from the other side. Arno
Reflections by Ruth16-Apr-2006 02:14
I love the layout of your galleries, really makes it stand out from everyone elses :)
Emidio Machado11-Apr-2006 15:23

Thanks for the comment! ;)
Guest 05-Apr-2006 21:12
Thank you for your nice comment on my PAD gallery.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife23-Mar-2006 05:43
Thank you for you visits and comments it is really appreciated.
Regards. Arno
Gilles Navet17-Mar-2006 12:58
Bravo pour tes images très "maitrisées" : composition et travail des tons
Comme Pierre, Je suis nu amoureux de venise, belle interprétation
A bientôt
Pierre Schneider16-Mar-2006 17:00
J'aime beaucoup votre galerie. J'ai redécouvert Venise. Les couleurs sont belles.
Bravo pour les compositions. Ca donne envie de faire des photos.....

Bonne continuation
Arno Meintjes Wildlife15-Mar-2006 11:08
I have put a small gallery together about life in and around the Kruger National Park.
I hope this will give you an idea where we are off to every now and then.
You are welcome to visit it here :
Wim Jaspers 10-Mar-2006 20:26
Prachtige foto's, doe zo verder.
Waar blijf je de inspiratie halen?

vele groeten,
Anja Leten 07-Mar-2006 19:38
Vol bewondering zoals steeds, hé.
Fantastisch mooie foto's. Dikke proficiat
en heel veel groeten,
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik07-Mar-2006 04:53
Hi Chrisse, have just added you to our ever-growing list of favorites. Your galleries look stunning - will need lots of timne to go thru them. Thanks for the kind comments and vote on Lloyd's bird pics. Regards from NYC. Sandy Spitalnik.
Lieve Schols06-Mar-2006 18:58
Hele mooie foto's!
Heb ervan genoten. Veel succes nog!

Lieve Schols
lorand05-Mar-2006 23:41
Thank you for your comment and message!
Ciao, Lorenzo.
Sebastiaan [] 02-Mar-2006 13:07

Mooie foto's, vooral de vuurtoren... als je er info bij wilt zetten : (
akleja25-Feb-2006 10:26
Thanks for all your kind comments! I am very impressed by your work so your comments mean a lot to me.

Michael24-Feb-2006 11:44

not all about Karneval at Cologne is pure fun, but I like it if people are cheerful and dressed up in this colorful and humorous Karneval fashion.

I like your galleries, especially the ones on Belgium, Venice, France and Holland. They are so diverse and colorful, lots of images with interesting perspectives. You are now in my favourite artists file.

I have seen your image of Gordes and found that I have a similar one, although post processed to give a painterly impression. You may find it under if you like.

Thanks for your comment.

akleja19-Feb-2006 20:39
Thanks for commenting on my galleries! You have a lot of amazing work here. You are very talented!


Guest 19-Feb-2006 02:10
Chrisse, you have so many amazing photos! When I surf around in your galleries I realize your borad talent. The "flowers" gallery is amazing, and it seems to me as if you live in a very beautiful enviornment! You have some very beautiful galleries! /Anders
Dave Wixx14-Feb-2006 17:03
Thanks for the comments. I love the layout of your galleries, and also some great pictures. I'll find some time to look through them more thoroughly.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife12-Feb-2006 15:14
Thanks for the visit and comment
Sorry I had to add a small image after your visit.
Please feel free to have a look again.
Guest 12-Feb-2006 05:26
Thanks Chrisse for your nice comments on my image...
Nicki Thurgar08-Feb-2006 21:22
I really enjoyed my quick look through your wonderful galleries -
you are very talented!
I've added you to my favourites so I can come back & see more! :o)
Guest 05-Feb-2006 18:30
Hi Chrisse
Thanks for the message. Really do appreciate it. Take care TJ
carmen 31-Jan-2006 19:30
hallo chrisse!
vielen dank für deine schönen fotos.ich komme aus südtirol und ich war vor 2 jahren für 3 tage in belgien.nur eine kurze zeit, aber es hat gerreicht mich in das wunderschöne land zu verlieben.
deine fotos wecken sehr schöne erinnerungen in mir.dieses jahr komme ich wieder, dieses mal für 10 tage!freue mich schon sehr darauf und ich möchte auch so schöne fotos machen wie du sie gemacht hast.
noch einmal vielen dank! :-)
Carmen und djuuus!
Guest 27-Jan-2006 12:08
Hoi Chrisse,
Ik heb je toegevoegd aan mijn favorieten. Een aantal galeries heb ik al bekeken en ik kom snel weer terug om de rest te bewonderen. Het is hier echt genieten van zoveel moois. Dank je wel! Groeten, Ieke uit Holland
Guest 25-Jan-2006 11:27
You have some great galleries here. You have a great eye and talent for Photoshop. Your gallery presentations and borders are amazing. Take care!
Guest 24-Jan-2006 08:44
Very nice photos. wow :)
Jola Dziubinska19-Jan-2006 19:36
Chris, your photos are very beautiful, congratulations. I added you to my favs.
Guest 18-Jan-2006 13:06
What I like most aout pbase is seeing our wide world through each of our own eyes ~ thanks for your vision!
Guest 09-Jan-2006 23:34
Hey Chrisse, ik heb ten zeerste genoten van een aantal van je gallerijen. Je staat ondertussen gebookmarkt wat betekent dat ik zeker nog eens terug kom kijken. Knap!
Guest 26-Nov-2005 01:06
Wow, I can see a few of your galleries making it to the popular galleries in no time. Thanks for your comments and its good to see another talented photographer joining PBASE. I enjoyed viewing your travel photos.
Guest 23-Nov-2005 08:52
Dag Chris, de grafiti foto's heb ik genomen in een klein parkje in Antwerpen, het ligt tussen de Grote Markt en het Zuid. Weet niet precies hoe het straatje heet maar je loopt er langs. Tis een straatje met veel antiekzaken. Veel succes
Paula Vandenbergh 15-Nov-2005 21:03
Dag Chris,
Ik ben aangenaam verrast door de prachtige foto's. Vooral de natuurfoto's vind ik heel mooi maar ook de andere zijn zeker de moeite waard. Proficiat !
Marc Demoulin11-Nov-2005 14:34

Je viens de voir de bien belles galeries. Bravo pour votre maitrise et la qualité de présentation. Je reviendrai.
sue anne08-Nov-2005 00:58
Very nice gallery ... enjoyed the kids pictures too :)
Jeff Cochran23-Oct-2005 12:57
High quality galleries, Cheers.
David Dong08-Oct-2005 11:57
Wellcome to Pbase, enjoy the stay and looking forward to more of your works