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S*Powerspots Chippewa 4 Junglespots

S*Powerspots Chippewa 4 Junglespots
Bluespotted girl
A little bit of the spotting
A little bit of the spotting
Cute little face :)
Cute little face :)
3,5 weels old, left spotside
3,5 weels old, left spotside
Right spotting
Right spotting
Spotted back :)
Spotted back :)
g5/95/209795/3/101469198.oUuPqatV.jpg g5/95/209795/3/101469199.wSmyLuwj.jpg
g5/95/209795/3/101469200.YhCyMoF5.jpg The lighter in colour girl, 6 weeks old
The lighter in colour girl, 6 weeks old
g3/95/209795/3/101948068.ZEMLpNgq.jpg g3/95/209795/3/101948071.C5n8hpiO.jpg
Looking promising :)
Looking promising :)
g3/95/209795/3/101948073.IkwJzSQJ.jpg Profile..
Zelda 8 weeks old
Zelda 8 weeks old
And spotting
And spotting
Zelda as she is called, 13 weeks old
Zelda as she is called, 13 weeks old
Cruel look :)
Cruel look :)
g1/95/209795/3/104594330.ha0m1SRB.jpg g1/95/209795/3/104594331.w3Ps9Vhj.jpg Zeldas spotting and contrast
Zeldas spotting and contrast
Zelda 8 month old
Zelda 8 month old
Feral look
Feral look
Like the queen she is.. ;)
Like the queen she is.. ;)
g1/95/209795/3/110621349.zCl9ibvc.jpg g1/95/209795/3/110621351.8hadF6IH.jpg Zelda 2,5 year old
Zelda 2,5 year old
Zelda winter 2013, green eyes
Zelda winter 2013, green eyes
Zelda 5 years old
Zelda 5 years old
Just the Zelda-look :)
Just the Zelda-look :)