Solid colors. The solid coloration can come up if both parents carry the solid gene. Even if both do it's not always sure it will show either. I had a very odd statistic in one of my litters where I got THREE solids and ONE spotted! How big are the odds for that?! :)
You can often see the solid cats "markings" which is called ghostmarkings. This is no real markings but it tell you what pattern the cat carry "unerneath" the solid color. All my solid kittens was spotted "in base".
S*Junglespots Barettini, OCI xb - chocolatesolid
Barettini, he was the darkest of the kittens in the litter
All kittens here are sibblings from same litter
S*Junglespots Valrhona, OCI xb - chocolatesolid
She was medium in tone
S*Junglespots Sambirano, OCI xb - chocolatesolid
Very light in color but still chocolate if you took his tailtip as a kitten and compared it to their mother