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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> Gamla vänner >> GIC DK*Ųjenfryd's Ehab 4 Junglespots tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

GIC DK*Ųjenfryd's Ehab 4 Junglespots

GIC DK*Ųjenfryd's Ehab 4 Junglespots, tawnyspotted boy.
Izak as we call him, is a grandson to our famous
EC S*Junglespots Coronado DSM DVM aka Morritz.
Ehab around 3 weeks old
Ehab around 3 weeks old
Walking around
Walking around
g1/95/209795/3/131667883.ooniRREs.jpg Promising boy which we just couldn't just pass by!
Promising boy which we just couldn't just pass by!
4,5 weeks old
4,5 weeks old
Izak as we call him, 5 weeks old
Izak as we call him, 5 weeks old
g1/95/209795/3/131667887.OEVxMpzW.jpg Very promising head
Very promising head
Nice boning
Nice boning
g1/95/209795/3/131667890.TGyPDK4u.jpg g1/95/209795/3/131667891.ng2ZFrCI.jpg Good markings
Good markings
Bulls eye!
Bulls eye!
Around 11 weeks old
Around 11 weeks old
Izak 4 month old
Izak 4 month old
Some spotting
Some spotting
Other side
Other side
g1/95/209795/3/131667899.LJEFsjTk.jpg Favourite toy - anything with feathers!
Favourite toy - anything with feathers!
6 month old, here on a show
6 month old, here on a show
6 month old,on this show he was Best In Show, Best of all Shorthair cats (BOB cat. III) and 2'nd Best cat totally (BOB tot. nr2)
6 month old,on this show he was Best In Show, Best of all Shorthair cats (BOB cat. III) and 2'nd Best cat totally (BOB tot. nr2)
Izak 1 year old
Izak 1 year old
The Izaaaak-look
The Izaaaak-look
His spotting, sorry about the colors here
His spotting, sorry about the colors here
Other spottside
Other spottside
More 1 year pictures
More 1 year pictures
I seee a bird!
I seee a bird!
Izaks wonderful spots
Izaks wonderful spots
I'm a big man! (or least I think so myself :) )
I'm a big man! (or least I think so myself :) )
g4/95/209795/3/133194004.GtFJ37AV.jpg g4/95/209795/3/133194006.jcvP991f.jpg
Izak soon 1,5 years old
Izak soon 1,5 years old
g4/95/209795/3/136613037.d83EZVKR.jpg g4/95/209795/3/136613038.FmEDRLjj.jpg He has developed a nice warm color now
He has developed a nice warm color now
Bulls Eye
Bulls Eye
1 year and 9 month old
1 year and 9 month old
Izak boy
Izak boy
Great look
Great look
I love his eyecolor
I love his eyecolor
Very nice spots
Very nice spots