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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> Colors from S*Junglespots >> Chocolatesilverspotted - OCI bs 24 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chocolatesilverspotted - OCI bs 24

Chocolatesilverspotted - OCI bs 24
Chocolate spotting on a white agoutiground. Nose leather: pink rimmed with chocolate. Paw pads:
chocolate-pink. Tail tip: chocolate
S*Junglespots Voodoo Magic
S*Junglespots Voodoo Magic
Good contrast as a kitten
Good contrast as a kitten
Clear silver and dark spotts
Clear silver and dark spotts
Voodoo Magic around 6 month old, keeping the contrast
Voodoo Magic around 6 month old, keeping the contrast
S*Junglespots Talisman, here we have a special one..
S*Junglespots Talisman, here we have a special one..
Folks often don't believe me when I say which cat this is :)
Folks often don't believe me when I say which cat this is :)
His dark color and great silver comes from his mom and grandad..seldom see this coloration in Sweden
His dark color and great silver comes from his mom and grandad..seldom see this coloration in Sweden
Really dark and cold chocolatespots
Really dark and cold chocolatespots
But that's the way I like it to be, clean and white silver with as dark and cold spots as possible
But that's the way I like it to be, clean and white silver with as dark and cold spots as possible
Silvers can have green eyes also like Snobben has, althou I think most have coppereyes.
Silvers can have green eyes also like Snobben has, althou I think most have coppereyes.