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Cheryl Ridge | profile | all galleries >> AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE >> Australian birds - 300+ species >> Frogmouths tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Australian bird photos
Tawny Frogmouth - Tawny Frogmouths - Podargus strigoides
Papuan Frogmouth - Papuan Frogmouths - Podargus papuensis
Papuan Frogmouth
:: Papuan Frogmouth ::
tawny frogmouths
tawny frogmouths
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
tawny frogmouth
0001- on nest
0001- on nest
0011- male
0011- male