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Zimbabwe 2007

These pictures are from the Makuti Hunting Area (administered by Zimbabwe Parks and Wild Life), the Rifa Education Camp (near Churundu and next to the Rifa Hunting Area), and Lake Kariba.

Myles McCallum of Harare, Zimbabwe, took some of the pictures in this gallery.

HARARE (AFP) - Zimbabwe is considering culling a ballooning elephant population that it is struggling to control, an official said Wednesday.
"The elephant population is increasing at the rate of five to seven percent annually," Edward Mbewe, spokesman for the parks and wildlife management authority, told AFP.
"We have about three options to consider which include culling, but the international world will not accept this."
....Besides culling Zimbabwe's wildlife, authorities are also considering contraception and translocation to control the rising elephant population.
But Mbewe said "translocation is very expensive and will not solve anything as we will transfer problems to another area."
The southern African country has an elephant population of more than 100,000 but has the capacity for only 45,000.
Mbewe said if the ivory trade ban is endorsed it will lead to conflict for territory between humans and elephants as the beasts grow in numbers....
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Signpost Up Ahead
Signpost Up Ahead
Dining Area - Exterior
Dining Area - Exterior
Inside the Dining Room
Inside the Dining Room
Seating Near the Dining Table
Seating Near the Dining Table
Front of My Tent
Front of My Tent
Side View of My Tent
Side View of My Tent
Inside the Tent
Inside the Tent
Another Interior Shot
Another Interior Shot
Ensuite Shower, Etc.
Ensuite Shower, Etc.
PH Quarters
PH Quarters
Around the Fire
Around the Fire
Can You See Zambia?
Can You See Zambia?
Myles at the Edge of the Escarpment
Myles at the Edge of the Escarpment
Norest (top) and Bongi
Norest (top) and Bongi
Elephant in the Grass
Elephant in the Grass
Moving in the Long Grass
Moving in the Long Grass
Makuti Mountains
Makuti Mountains
Water Hole Along the River
Water Hole Along the River
Our Game Scout
Our Game Scout
The Cruiser
The Cruiser
Leopard Tracks (Female)
Leopard Tracks (Female)
Civet Track
Civet Track
Tracks at the Water Hole
Tracks at the Water Hole
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